By enrolling using this online form, I declare that the Information given in this enrolment is true and correct. Pursuant to tikanga or the ancient laws of Ko Huiarau. The information will be used solely for the purpose of hapu electoral registration with Te Rūnanga Ko Huiarau and remains the property of the hapu stated.
Please note:
Anyone wishing to align with Ngā Hapu or Ngāti Wikitoria can enroll.
Each enrolment needs a unique email address.
Enrolled individuals can vote from the age of 18 years.
We are not currently sending any regular contact from the enrolment list.
You should receive a confirmation email with the details you provide when you have completed the form.
If you wish to un-enroll you may do so at any time.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email
Use this map to help determine your Electorate
This diagram is designed to assist you in completing your Whakapapa Register.
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© 2021 - This website has been created by Ko Huiarau web designers.